Waste Basket of My Subconcious

I have many ways to waste time and this is merely one.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

High School

Well, I have gotten to a point on Facebook where I am contacting and being contacted by friends from high school and even jr. high. One gal from high school is a GRANDMOTHER now. I have been so excited to peep into the adult lives of these friends from long ago. I was so lucky to find them then and pretty much everybody is still kicking ass.

Rene Trevino, old high school friend and drama buddy, was in Portland w/ his sweetie, visiting folks he knows out here. We got to have beers on the patio at Vendetta this past Sunday. He has always been so expressive, and I was so happy to get to see him! All his friends (cuz ya know he brought an entourage) were so nice, too. I promised them I would post pix of him and his wild hair days, but I need some alone time w/ my scanner first. Needless to say, he looks dashing now, even if he doesn't have his signature high school tease and swoop.

There was also some excitement a couple of weeks ago. A bat got in the house. I don't know how, but we do leave the doors open alot in the early evening and night. But this damn thing was cruising around in the laundry room when I went to change clothes out and scared the pee outta me. At first, since it was so outta context, I couldn't even get my head around what I was seeing. Hooded mouse frog???? Then it clicked and I rushed upstairs to call Kyle at work at 11:30pm, and he was less excited than I was. When he got home we hung out in the basement for an hour, but the damn thing wasn't gonna give us an encore. Next morning, when Kyle took the dogs out to eat, our cat Wampus was sitting in front of the liquor cabinet, staring up longingly. Since Wampus usually doesn't imbibe until later in the day Kyle followed his gaze to the twinkle lights hanging above the liquor cabinet and found Mr. Batty McBattenstein. Kyle threw a towel over the tiny squeaker and released him outside, much to Wampus' disappointment. Later this same week a goldfinch got in the house and perched in the same corner of the livingroom. Gotta study up on some Feng Shui and see what corner that is and why we're attracting all the wing'ed beasties.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mental Illness Is a Failure to Misinterpret the World.

Well, here it is almost 2 weeks later and I am finally posting the Texas pix. It's not even that it was that hard to get them from our new, crappy camera to this website. I just hate learning technical stuff (she says, in her crabby old lady voice.) It's just never ending and will become superfluous when I gotta learn the new way in a few weeks. And also. . . (insert any creepy old pissing and moaning you've every heard from anyone.) And all this techno crap is crap.

Not really. It's very useful and, why, just today I installed InDesign on my computer and will soon be slogging my way thru it in the joyous weeks to come (Thanks Kenny!)

We had our 4th of July Get Together here at Hogwash Junction. It was fun. Kyle made fajitas. Turns out Wishbone italian dressing and some worschester sauce make a kick ass marinade. People also made amazing ice cream-Elizabeth, proprietrix of Sahagun Chocolates, made a dark, rich chocolate ice cream. Wendy and Joseph made butter pecan and a raspberry sorbet. SO GOOD! Ethan helped me make my White Trash banana puddin'. Instead of layers there was lots of mixing, but, ya know, it all ends up in the same place anyhow, so it was awright. We had a bubble machine. Best $10 Target purchase ever. It's like Lawrence Welk on crack. It was so amazing and SO bubbly and Wyatt just ran around screaming "Bubbles!" (and most of the rest of us wanted to.)

Kyle goes to see his school advisor on Friday, checking into an Environmental Science degree. Our neighbor has one and has been talking to Kyle about options. It's funny that Jonas, our neighbor, researches weeds and I think he could do a lot of research just from his own yard! It's some impressive cultivating of crazy, invasive species.

My memoir group meets on Thursday and I have actually done some writing before hand, not waiting til the day of to toss something off. Not that it's any better than stuff I haven't put much time into. I can fuss too much w/ stuff and it starts to wilt and sigh and then it's just awful. Better I just write it and leave it alone and edit later, when it's not trying to be born.

Tuco is over the pink eye, Melissa thinks Trudy has ring worm (she DOESN'T!) and Wampus is getting old (he's ELEVEN) and sleeps alot this summer. Or maybe he's just hot? At any rate, I think every one is doing pretty good. Oh! And I finally mailed off Anita and my mom's Christmas presents! I just hope the gift certificates are still good. This is the year, ok, actually, all the years are the year, that I suck as a gift sender. I do love you, and I do think about you, and chances are I have even bought you things. But, I just ain't dragging my ass to the post office for you. Now I just need to mail their bday and wedding presents!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Surprised To See Me?

Well, school and work and trying to fit in things like friends and drinking and eating at Podnah's and walking the dogs and, and, and, ya know, something had to give, and sad to say it was this here blog. BUT, I am trying to make time, at least during the summer when I am out of classes, to write here more, so we'll see how good I make on this promise.

Just got back from a tour of Texas and seeing my darling baby sister get married, so I will post pix in the next couple of days, maybe. We had to get a crappy stand-in camera for the trip because our good camera decided to go belly-up and be all blurry and awful. The new camera is not much better and I dunno about all this memory card bidness and how to load stuff. I mean, damn, I just got the hang of connecting the old camera cable to the computer. But, everyone light a candle for me and maybe you'll get to see our pix of Kyle's mom's farm, and sausage kolaches, and Derrick, and stuff.

I am also gonna post pix of Taurus Fest-which was the party we have in May for Kyle, Clay, and Arley's bday. This year the piƱata went down w/ the first blow. We got to see folks we hardly ever see, like Jarvis and his son Bird, Trappey of the Big Fists, Kirk and Wendy, Rebecca and Kate, and Ukiah and Stephani and Mark, and Joseph, Wendy, Bini, and bebe Wyatt, who is so damn CUTE! I mean, yeah, babies are cute and all, but Wyatt, he's like CRACK, you just can't shake his cuteness. Becky showed up and made us watch the "Shoes" video on Youtube twelvetythousand times. Kyle had folks Scott and Jill from work stop by and Kylie and Kenny and Aimee and Lucien from SALP stopped by, too. Joe and Stephen and their little weenie dog, One-Eyed Pickle, came from their new digs in Seattle. And our neighbors, Lincoln and Jason came over. They are SO NICE and it breaks my heart that they just moved back to NYC, especially because they just had a baby girl-Ellis-who is also a dang cute bebe.

OK, I gotta quit this for now so I can save up some brain power for loading pix tomorrow. If anyone still stops by this site, thanks!