I absolutely have to update because it has been almost a year since I last posted anything. Like most folks, I think I am putting this bloggy thing behind me. I am quite certain no one even remembers this thing. But, it entertains me.
There are no celebrity sightings to report. I could have seen Ursula Le Guin last Wednesday for the Oregon Council of the Humanities Think and Drink program-she was giving a talk on ethics at a local bar-but I thought it was Thursday and missed it.
Our garden is going great guns. Some stinky neighbor felt that we had too much lavender and kindly removed some for us. Balls! And the timber bamboo that we bought a little over a month ago has a new shoot which is over 4 feet tall now. Kyle says it grows 6 inches (!) every day.
The picture posted here is from the Rhododendron Garden down the street. Rhodies have stopped blooming for now. Jasmine and honeysuckle are up making the neighborhood smell good, and the tomatoes, grown old-school and not hanging upside down (alas! I am not cutting edge), are all in. Soon I will have tiny, tasty Sungolds and stripey Zebras.
OK, that's it for now. I have a summer internship w/ Underland Press and I had better do some work on my projects tonite. Go check them out. The wovel will suck you in. And the Best American Fantasy 3 comes out in January and you know you will be on pins and needles until then.