Waste Basket of My Subconcious

I have many ways to waste time and this is merely one.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Ever Had a Warm Bear Claw?

Went to Last Thursday on Alberta Street last night for the art walk. It was so damn packed you could hardly move. I didn't get to see all the vendors 'cause I couldn't get close enough. Then I had a donut, or actually an apple-filled bear claw, and felt much better about the whole adventure.

Things I like about Last Thursday: 100 thousand food vendors. None of which I could bear to wait in those perpetual lines for (hence the donut) but they offer veggie fare and hot dogs and BBQ and Thai and burritos and dessert-y things and it all just smelled yummy.

I also like the street theater, although last night we were such sardines there was hardly room for the drama. But we did manage to hear one woman shout out "I'm gonna sneak in thru your back door and eat all your CORN!" Which, even tho' we weren't drunk, broke us up.

Also, I love all the little art boys selling graphic-y doodles they made on old coffee sleeves and what not. I am a sucker for graphic, b&w, cartoony stuff. I think I am biased towards old Drek-style art. And I LOVED this one guy who did all these creepy, organic, compost-y type of creatures, ink on wood. He had one w/ tentacles and a lamprey mouth. I wanted it and I let it pass thru my fingers 'cause I was broke. I'm gonna find him again!

Other cool things: Guy in fun motorized wheelchair selling poems he makes up for you. And girl playing the SAW! And there was also a gal playing the accordion. Some some lucky day I will learn how to play the accordion. I have petite accordion that I make noise on, but one day, by the grace of Gawd, I will play the accordion for real! The clown bikers were out. They usually put on some sort of show, their bikes dressed up as geese & such. This time they were jousting. They are moving, so soon we won't have a designated spot on which to watch their hijinx.

My friend Melissa saw a shooting star. I think we are about to go thru that kick-ass meteor shower that has 3 times the stars per hour as Persiad. We only go thru this shower every 40 years, so get yer butt out of the city and check it out!

In other news, I am feeling especially accomplished because I got my diploma and my first pay check in a year! I left my cush and mind-numbing office job at the local teaching hospital last year to finish up my schoolin' (I ain't foolin'.) And I just got my first paycheck at my new, cush and mind-numbing office job on PSU campus. I applied for the full-time spot here, 'cuz I am but a temp. However, they chose someone who likes accounting over me. Don't despair! A friend in the Student Activities office has optioned my services and I will not have a gap in my employment record. Whew!


Anonymous said...

If you are going to take up the accordian you must grow your hair long so that you might craft some strudel-like buns to the side of your head. Female accordian players must have head buns! Their male counterparts must have mustachios (and tequila breath)!

Fire Queen said...

Sadly, my fine, limp hair won't grow very long. But I am not ruling out wigs. I never said I wouldn't go the distance for my accordion craft. Also, I get to have tequila breath. And when I am drunk and w/o my accordion, I will play "air accordion." And we will ROCK.

Anonymous said...

" I never said I wouldn't go the distance for my accordion craft."

Then you will grow mustachio too?

Andy said...

Congrats on the degree!! YEEEEAH!

As for that creepy accordion pic: EEWWWW! I know an AWESOME accordion talent named CornMo (I'm not kidding) and you definitely need to check his stuff out! It's like accordion stadium rock!!!

Art fair is COOL! But clowns are creepy! STAY AWAY FROM CLOWNS!!

...ummmm, I was gonna say something else, but I just forgot?! :P

Anita said...

NOW I know what to get you for your birthday!
Congrats on getting that there deee-ploma sistah! I will hug you super soon!