This is my friend Melissa, who tried to talk Patrick out of liking slutty women the night this photo was taken. Melissa says what's on her mind and takes no prisoners. She has long, gorgeous, curly brown hair which she wants to make into dreds. I know it's her life and her hair, but, c'mon now, LOOK at that beautiful cascakidading hair. It's so lovely! Melissa doesn't care what anyone thinks on the matter, which is probably why I like her so much, even tho' it means dreds. Her writing is hypnotic. Do you remember the scene in "Amelie" where she takes the old blind man by the arm and leads him to the subway station, chattering a litany of sensory impressions all the while? After that scene was over, the blind man stood on the sidewalk stunned, with vibrating curly-cues wafting off of him? That's what you feel like after Melissa reads her work to you. She weaves her story all over you and you are left stunned, letting it sink in.
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